MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 16:00 PM


The aloe vera plant, which is defined as the “magic wand of heaven” by the Indians, the “plant of immortality” by the Egyptians, the “fountain of youth” in the clay tablets of the Sumerians, and one of the 16 sacred plants in the Ayruveda of the Indians, is a cure-all, a miracle plant.

The plant, which has been used in different applications by many civilizations throughout history, is still used as a solution to many ailments today.

This plant, which is frequently seen in the homes of cactus lovers, is a healing store for the human body as well as the aesthetic visuality it adds to the environment.

In many countries, aloe vera is grown commercially, making it easier to access the plant. Let’s get to know this miraculous plant together!…